Industrial Professional Painters for Your Plant or Warehouse Facility
You can rely on The Dependable Painting Company’s extensive experience in painting factory ceilings, walls, machinery, cranes, tanks, and structural steel. We work to maintain your facility’s regular production schedule; scheduling our crews to work evenings, weekends, or during shutdowns. In all cases, we work with you to keep facility downtime to a minimum. As industrial professional painters, we consider all of the following when evaluating your specific needs:
- The condition of the substrate
- Temperature and environmental conditions
- Application
- Desired final effect
We have access to high quality specialized industrial coatings. We also maintain close working relationships with paint manufacturers as they provide assistance in specifying the perfect coating for your facility.
Our Industrial Services Include:
Surface Preparation
- Our expertise includes hand and power tool cleaning, solvent cleaning, and water and abrasive blasting.
- Spray services for a variety of wall and equipment painting.
- Conventional, HVLP, airless, and electrostatic.
Special Coatings
- Application of special coatings, including urethanes, low VOC, plural component catalyzed epoxy paints, and others.
Epoxy Floors
- Decorative and chemical resistant.
- Providing interior containment that protects your employees and guests from environmental dust, construction debris, manufacturing process debris, lead and environmental remediation cleanup, and roofing projects.
- Secondary containment.
Lead-based Paint Safety
- If lead-based paint had been used in your facility, our employees are trained to provide proper worker protection, environmental compliance, and waste management to safely complete your project.